
Creating Partnerships. Keeping Partnerships.

With 25 years of experience working with clients that range from Fortune 500 corporations to small and mid-sized firms, Tekberry, a leading recruiting agency San Francisco, provides Workforce Solutions on a short-term or long-term basis to all industry segments. And while we’ve been connecting the best companies and employees, we’ve constantly evolved to keep pace with an ever-changing workplace. Today, small and large businesses trust our expertise in providing workforce solutions that span the entire spectrum of staff outsourcing and consulting, ensuring seamless and effective employment placement.

We are honored to be selected again as a Workforce Logiq Proven Performer, this time for 2020!

Industry Segments Served

Engineering, Information Technology, Professional Services, Electronic Assembly, Finance Accounting, Banking, Law, Science and Clinical, Marketing and Creative Services, Logistics and Supply Chain, Human Resources, Defense Military, Purchasing and Procurement, Hospitality, Call Center, Aerospace, Telecommunications, Transport and Rail, Manufacturing Technician,TA3 Security Clearance and Production mechanical engineering jobs near me.

Headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, Tekberry provides on-demand employment placement workforce solutions at a level beyond traditional staffing models across the United States.

Focus On Partnerships

With a focus on working relationships, our primary goal is to match the talent of our professionals in mechanical engineering jobs San Francisco with our clients’ business culture. Once we secure a detailed understanding of your needs, we can translate that understanding into a valued asset, regardless of the nature of the position or the type of job itself.

By building a solid partnership with Tekberry, the top San Francisco recruiting agency, we will strategize with you to create a personalized approach to your dynamic workforce needs. Whether your demand is only temporary, an extended project, or you intend to hire directly, our business model allows us to offer highly competitive pricing.

Tekberry Can Nationally Accommodate:

Call us today at 855-TEKBERRY (855-835-2377) to discuss how we can become a preferred partner for your company.

“Our company consistently receives high quality candidates from Tekberry. They understand our functional and cultural needs, and they take the time to actually talk to and screen each candidate.”

Glenn K. 

R&D Lab Manager, Fortune 500 Electronics Manufacturer